Reasons your air purifier is not working | Jafanda – Jafanda OLD
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Reasons your air purifier is not working

Reasons your air purifier is not working


Air purifiers are a great, cost-effective way to improve the air quality in your home. But not all purifiers are created equal—and some may not be effective at all. Here, we'll look at the pros and cons of different types of air purifiers and help you figure out which one will work best for your needs. 

Can an air purifier be too big for a room?

Air purifiers can't get rid of all the pollutants in your home. Air purifiers are not a substitute for good ventilation. Different filter grades have different purification efficiency and particulate matter removal efficiencies, so it's important to get one with a grade that's appropriate for your needs.

The room is too large, the efficiency of the purifier is low, and the room cannot be effectively purified

The room is too large, the efficiency of the purifier is low, and the room cannot be effectively purified.

In this case, two reasons for why your air purifier won’t work:

The room is too large. Air purifiers can only cover a certain area (usually between 80 to 200 square meters). If your room is larger than that, then it would be impossible to cleanse all of its air with just one device!

The efficiency of the purifier is low. Low-end models of air cleaners do not have high enough power output or airflow rates to effectively circulate all corners of a room in order for them to be truly effective at removing harmful particles from our breathable atmosphere within 24 hours (the time period when most people sleep).

Air purifier purification efficiency standard

Air purification efficiency is a measure of how much air pollution an air purifier can remove from the air. The EPA requires certain standards for air purifiers, and AHAM (Air Filter Cleaning Association) has its own requirements standard.

The higher the purification efficiency, the better it is.

HEPA filters can help with pet dander and dust mites.

HEPA filters are the most effective at removing pet dander and dust mites. However, they are not very effective for pollen, mold, or bacteria. If you have allergies to these things and want a HEPA filter for your home filter then it is important to choose one that has an extra filter specifically designed for this purpose.

Some air purifiers release ozone, which is really bad for you.

The main problem with ozone is that it's not a natural part of the air. It's an unstable molecule formed by breaking down oxygen, and it doesn't last very long. (Which is why it was first discovered by scientists through some cleverly applied chemistry.)

The other problem with ozone is that it can be harmful to your health. While the levels emitted by most air purifiers are low enough to be safe when they're used as instructed, higher concentrations can lead to shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing in people with asthma or chronic lung diseases such as emphysema. Ozone may also aggravate respiratory infections like bronchitis or pneumonia in such people.

Air purifier purification standards

You may have assumed that air purifiers are good at filtering out dust and allergens, but they’re not. The standards used to measure their effectiveness are flawed.

The standard for HEPA filters is so stringent that it only allows two particles larger than 0.3 microns (a fraction of the width of a human hair) to pass through every square foot per hour. Because of this, many manufacturers add additional layers of filter media in order to meet this standard—which can lead to high cost and poor performance if you're just looking for something with low maintenance costs and decent coverage area.

The standards used for ozone generation also need rethinking: currently there's no specific limit for what constitutes "too much ozone." Ozone has been linked to respiratory problems ranging from asthma attacks to permanent lung damage; any level above 0 ppm (parts per million) is considered unsafe by most researchers involved in air quality monitoring around the world--yet manufacturers often advertise products as having "zero ozone emissions" because they don't go above 20 ppm or so even though they definitely could if they wanted too!

How to choose an effective air purifier according to your needs

Size of the room

An air purifier should be large enough to cover your entire room, but not so big that it takes up half your living space. A good size range is between 350 square feet up to 2,500 square feet.

Type of pollution you want to remove

Air purifiers are made for different types of pollutants (dust, pollen and smoke) so choose one that can handle the type you need removed from your home/office/vehicle etc... For example if you have allergies then look for an air purifier with HEPA filters or if there's mold in your home then look for one with a UV light feature.


To sum up, if you are looking for an effective way to purify the air in your home, then an air purifier may be the right choice. However, there are many factors that determine how effective an air purifier will be and they can vary from room size to pet dander levels. It is important to consider these factors when choosing one so that you can purchase one that will work well in your space. If possible try out different models before making a decision or speak with someone at your local hardware store who works with them regularly (they might even know some tricks!).

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